Country Advocacy – Women Deliver

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Country Advocacy

Deliver for Good partners have identified three countries—India, Kenya, and Senegal—to launch dedicated advocacy and communication efforts that highlight the central role of girls and women in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other development plans.

In each country, Deliver for Good partners will select a local NGO grantee – through a comprehensive review process – to convene and lead a coalition of experts who will develop and drive country-specific advocacy and communications strategies devoted to ensuring girls’ and women’s issues are prioritized in the implementation of the SDGs. The country coalitions – comprised of cross-issue, cross-sector, and cross-generational experts – will be designed to better facilitate the coordination of advocacy efforts across the range of areas affecting girls and women. 

There is no shortage of organizations that are working tirelessly to improve the lives of girls and women—and there is no denying that progress has been made. The problem is that this work often happens in silos, which slows us down. In bringing together local representatives of civil society organizations, the private sector, UN agencies, youth, and government leaders from across sectors and issue areas, the country coalitions will break down these common development silos and ensure comprehensive and successful approaches to advocacy.

The Deliver for Good Focus Countries

Focus Countries

The Deliver for Good advisory partners conducted an assessment to select three focus countries based on a variety of criteria including:

  • The burden of gender inequality issues affecting girls and women;
  • The strength of civil society networks in the countries;
  • The involvement of governments on SDG implementation; and
  • The complementary efforts underway to advance the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the countries.
The Facts

Data from these countries reveal both a need and opportunity for progress to be made by investing in girls and women to achieve development targets.


  1. Kenya has the 20th highest maternal mortality rate in the world with more than 40 deaths per month.
  2. Only 1% of land in Kenya is registered solely to a woman.


  1. Only 11% of elected parliamentary representatives in India in women.
  2. 47% of girls are married before the age of 18.  


  1. 8% of women have a bank account. 
  2. Only 25% of sexually active unmarried women use a modern method of contraception. 


Inspiring Country Action

Country grantees will work with local partners to drive progress in three key strategic areas at the country level.

  1. Changing the Narrative

    Using the latest evidence, Deliver for Good will reshape the narrative around girls and women—from vulnerable, to agents of change and critical drivers of progress. Deliver for Good’s country coalitions and networks of country partners will share this new narrative and clearly communicate why investing in girls and women positively impacts communities, development, and the achievement of the SDGs.

  2. Mobilizing Cross-Sector, Cross-Issue, and Cross-Generational Communities

    Local partners will build and formalize the engagement of stakeholders across multiple sectors, issue areas, and generations, with the goal of connecting organizations that have not traditionally worked together. These locally led coalitions will define the campaign priorities as appropriate to the local policy landscape.

  3. Inspiring Country Action

    Deliver for Good coalitions and partners will advocate for each country to implement policies, programs, and investments that reflect the important role of girls and women in achieving the SDGs and related country targets. This includes developing and executing country advocacy strategies to ensure policies related to SDG implementation are complementary and work together to achieve impact for girls and women.

To learn more about the Deliver for Good focus countries please click the links below to download the Country Fact Sheets

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