Our Vision and Mission – Women Deliver

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Our Vision and Mission

The fundamental obstacle for gender equality is the persistent lack of bodily autonomy and integrity for girls and women.

Led by and representing feminist movements and youth advocates in the majority of the world, Women Deliver plays a pivotal role in global collective action for gender equality. We focus on safeguarding and advancing the bodily autonomy of girls, women, and gender-diverse people — specifically, their control over their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). We believe that gender equality cannot be achieved if girls, women, and gender-diverse people are not able to make fundamental choices about what happens to their own bodies, sexuality, and health.

Our Vision: A gender-equal world 

Our Mission: Every girl and every woman has full control over her body and her life. 

Our Goals

We aspire to be a feminist organization, and the values below underpin how we show up in the movement. Our journey requires us to commit to continually evolve and learn.

  • Our values

    • Honesty and integrity
    • Transparency and accountability
    • Inclusivity and accessibility
    • Bravery and humility
    • Collaborative and partner-focused
  • Our principles

    • Bodily autonomy is a right, not a privilege.
    • Bodily autonomy is the foundation for gender equality.
    • A girl or woman is anyone who has lived experience as a girl or woman, or identifies as a girl or woman.
    • Girls and women are experts in their own lives.
    • Advocacy for girls and women must be guided by and representative of their diverse lived experiences.
    • Securing bodily autonomy requires a recognition of power dynamics and an unwavering commitment to anti-racism and anti-colonialism.

    Women Deliver recognizes that our sector and work is deeply embedded in and infected with colonial and racist power structures, ideals, and practices and we, ourselves, have benefitted from and perpetuated these practices. As a key part of our goal to become an international non-government organization (iNGO) of the 21st century, we are committed to shaping a future where our practices not only reflect our feminist and anti-racist values but also actively contribute to dismantling the systems that oppress girls and women.

    Our ongoing journey to become a transformed iNGO that reflects the needs of the majority of the world’s girls and women focuses on three main areas:

    • Examining and sharpening our programming to ensure that our work is led by and representative of feminists from around the world.
    • Transforming our business model to truly become a global organization that can work with gender equality experts and advocates, no matter where they live.
    • Changing how we talk about ourselves and our work to ensure we are transparent, honest, and don’t perpetuate harmful language.

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