Women Deliver Welcomes Partnership With Organon Towards Improving the Health and Rights of Girls and Women Around the World
New York, NY, 2 June 2022 | Women Deliver is thrilled to announce its partnership with Organon, backed by a commitment of US $1.4 million over the next two years, to improve the health and rights of girls and women, in all their intersecting identities, around the world.
Organon’s commitment will support Women Deliver’s Young Leaders Program (YLP), which connects passionate young advocates with the platforms, people, and resources to amplify their influence on a larger scale. Core to the YLP is the recognition that too often, young people’s advocacy efforts are underestimated and under-funded. Organon’s commitment will also support Women Deliver Small Grants, which are awarded to Young Leaders to support the implementation of advocacy projects to advance gender equality in their communities, countries, and regions.
Organon’s contribution will also go towards ensuring that the Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023) is more inclusive, diverse, accessible, and consultative than ever before. As an early funder, Organon’s contribution will enable the co-creation of all aspects of Conference programming alongside the diverse advocates we work with and for, particularly at the country-level and in low- and middle-income countries, and support the development of more inclusive and accessible programming that is fully supported by innovative technologies and accessibility measures, including translation and interpretation.
Finally, Organon’s contribution will support Women Deliver’s policy advocacy work to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) by advocating for increased investment in, and access to, health and SRHR information, services, and quality care, including as an essential component of universal health coverage design and implementation.
For more details on Organon and on our partnership, click here.