Strengthening Skills – Women Deliver

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Strengthening Skills

To increase their influence, young people want access to trainings and tools that give them equal footing in advocacy and decision-making spaces.

Women Deliver provides technical training and skill development through its youth-friendly publications, promotion of the latest evidence, and its Digital University – which has trained 700 youth advocates to date.

Digital University

Women Deliver’s Digital University provides online courses for every Women Deliver Young Leader. Each intensive course offers peer-to-peer learning and engagement with subject-matter experts, and provides a solid foundation of advocacy, project management, and issue-based knowledge for each Young Leader during their first year of the Young Leaders Program.

Women Deliver will also be offering courses to a wider range of advocates beginning in 2018, including a course on Deliver for Good. The Deliver for Good campaign is a global push that applies a gender lens to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promotes 12 critical investments in girls and women to power progress for all. This course focuses on the 12 investment areas and offers ways advocates can get involved to take action. It will be available to interested advocates in 2018, so check back for updates!



Application is open until 13 October

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