Build Sustainable Financing and Partnerships for Girls and Women – Women Deliver

Build Sustainable Financing and Partnerships for Girls and Women

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  • Funding for gender equality programming as a primary objective amounted to only 4% of OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members’ bilateral aid in 2016–2017 (OECD, 2019) 
  • An estimated 55% of the global population lacks social protection coverage — as extreme poverty disproportionately affects women, this absence of a safety net hits them hardest (ILO, 2017) 
  • The annual financing gap to achieve the SDGs in developing countries is estimated to be US$ 2.5–3 trillion (United Nations) 
  • Investments in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health yield at least a 10-fold return through better educational attainments, workforce participation, and social contributions (Every Woman Every Child, 2015) 
  • If women’s informal labor were recognized and they were to participate in the economy at the same rate and level as men, there could be a $28 trillion increase in global GDP by 2025 (McKinsey Institute, 2015) 

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