Policy Briefs – Women Deliver

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Deliver for Good is an evidence-based advocacy and communications push to promote the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. A core element of the campaign is the following policy briefs related to the 12 investment areas. These initial briefs were drafted in consultation with more than 25 issue experts from around the world. 

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Improve Maternal and Newborn Health and Nutrition

View Policy Brief

Meet the Demand for Modern Contraception and Reproductive Health

View Policy Brief

Respect, Protect, and Fulfill Sexual Health and Rights

View Policy Brief

Ensure Health for All

View Policy Brief

Dramatically Reduce Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices

View Policy Brief

Ensure Equitable and Quality Education at All Levels

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Boost Women's Economic Empowerment

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Strengthen Women’s Political Participation and Decision-Making Power

View Policy Brief

Accelerate Access to Resources – Land, Clean Energy, Water, and Sanitation

View Policy Brief

Invest in Women to Tackle Climate Change and Conserve the Environment

View Policy Brief

Improve Data and Accountability for Girls and Women

View Policy Brief

Build Sustainable Financing and Partnerships for Girls and Women

View Policy Brief

Researchers and Writers

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