Women Deliver 2023 Conference:
Spaces, Solidarity, and Solutions.
The Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023) took place in-person in Kigali, Rwanda, as well as virtually, from 17-20 July 2023. As one of the largest multi-sectoral convenings to advance gender equality, WD2023 convened 6,300 people in Kigali and 200,000+ people online through the virtual Conference and six-month Global Dialogue leading up to the Conference. WD2023 enabled inclusive and co-created spaces that fostered solidarity for sustainable solutions on gender equality.
- Catalyze Collective Action to Advance Gender Equality
- Hold Leaders Accountable
- Empower the Feminist Movement
- Reframe Who Leads
- Create Space
The vision, theme, and objectives of the Conference were selected by the WD2023 Advisory Group, in consultation with over 5,000 advocates — spanning 166 countries, generations, and sectors — who participated in design sprints and Women Deliver’s Global Community Consultation.
- Learn more at WD2023.org
- Read the Post Conference Report here

Who participated in WD2023:

6,300+ feminists representing 170 countries

240+ journalists and content creators

600 scholarship recipients

87+ sponsors and funders

over 10,000 people joined us online

A new commitment to working with others to more effectively counter the anti-rights movement with a focus on the most neglected sexual and reproductive health areas.

A campaign launched by over 40 organizations to close the gender nutrition gap, alongside a co-created Action Agenda, that calls for transformative actions from governments to improve women’s and girls’ nutrition.

The RESPECT Women website, an online platform that aims to drive concrete actions to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, launched by The World Health Organization (WHO), together with UN Women, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Canada announced more than $200 million in funding as part of Canada’s SheSOARS initiative, funded as part of the 10-Year Commitment to Global Health and Rights. Some of the money will be allocated towards the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage and the Girls Not Brides project.

The Kigali Call to Action: United for Women and Girls’ Bodily Autonomy announced by UNFPA to accelerate investments and actions, with women-led organizations and the feminist movement at the center.

A new Women Deliver Emerging Leaders Program that will put more trust-based funding into the hands of young people and ensure that they have the knowledge, resources, supportive ecosystem, and leadership opportunities to achieve their gender equality and sexual health and reproductive advocacy goals.