More than one year ago, at the 2017 United Nations General Assembly, Deliver for Good Campaign Partners and Influencers came together to announce dedicated advocacy and communications efforts at the national level in Kenya, India, and Senegal.
After months of strategic planning, the Deliver for Good Kenya Campaign formally launched on 28 November, 2018. Joined by more than 170 attendees from Kenyan civil society and government, the launch event program featured a dynamic line of speakers including remarks from:
- Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark – Deliver for Good Influencer
- Minister Ulla Tørnæs, Minister for Development Cooperation of Denmark
- Isabelle Bérard, Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Principal Secretary for Gender, Safina Kwekwe
- Cabinet Secretary for Health, Sicily Kariuki
In addition to high level remarks, Kenya Campaign Partners participated in dynamic discussions about Data Driven Change in Kenya and Advocacy in Action.
Speeches culminated in an exciting moment to formally launch the Campaign in invite all attendees to join the movement to Deliver for Good.
Site Visits
Following the formal launch event, Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark – Deliver for Good Influencer and Minister Ulla Tørnæs, Minister for Development Cooperation of Denmark had the opportunity to witness the work of Campaign partners in action through two site visits – 1st to the informal settlement, Kibera to meet with the team from the Action Foundation Hub, followed by a visit to Shauri Moyo to meet TICAH, supported by Women Deliver Young Leader, Elizabeth Okumu.
Action Foundation Hub
Upon arriving in Kibera, the delegation walked down the windy roads through homes and businesses before turning the corner to be greeted by the bright colors of the Action Foundation Hub – a center developed to provide free occupational therapy to children with disabilities, coupled with day care, and business training for care givers and women living with disabilities. A Deliver for Good Kenya Ally organization, the Hub provides a holistic approach to women’s economic empowerment by looking a cross-cutting solutions that meet the needs of the women and their families. Started by Maria Omare with fellowship training from Akili Dada – a Deliver for Good Kenya Advisory Group Partner – the visitors continued their journey through town to meet with other women who had participated in the Hub’s street business training.
2. Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH)
The second visit of the day was to the YMCA in Shauri Moyo – another informal settlement in Nairobi. Here, the Crown Princess and Minister were greeted by Elizabeth Okumu and Executive Director, Jedidah Maina. TICAH provides comprehensive support to young girls with a focus on good relationships, healthy households, and community action. On the day of the visit, the guests had the opportunity to witness a counseling and mentorship program for adolescent mothers. These young mothers – aged 13-17 years old – had recently completed a four day workshop to learn about sexual and reproductive health including access to contraception. Program sessions also discussed agency and offered counselling to help the young girls heal from experiences with gender based violence and other harmful practices. During the visit, guests saw the River of Life – a gallery wall showcasing the outcome of art therapy sessions – and joined small group discussions where the girls shared more personal stories.
Check out the Flickr Album for more images from the launch event and site visits.