Krah Modeste (Class of 2013) used his renewed grant to form a youth coalition and trained 15 young people on sexual and reproductive health and advocacy. Together, they developed a youth advocacy video on family planning, appeared in seven media articles and newsletters, and spoke on three local radio stations in the Abidjan district to promote sexual and reproductive health and accessibility of services for adolescents and young people, reaching over 22 million people in Côte d’Ivoire.
Article Features
- World Contraception Day: Young people advocate for task shifting in the field of family planning
- Advocacy Techniques for Sexual and Reproductive Health/Family Planning, the NGO “Messi” trains young leaders
- African families invited to “break the taboo around sexual education for children
- HIV, STIs, and early pregnancy : talking « without taboo » about sexual health with young people and adolescents.