In her capacity as Senior Program Specialist at the Center for Development Services, Hadeer Mamdouh (Class of 2018) supervised the implementation of the “Evidence Project” in collaboration with the Population Council in Egypt. The principal objective of the program is to enhance and support health education on family planning and reproductive health for youth working in the non-governmental sector in two governates in Egypt, Port Said and Sohag. Specifically, they provide peer education training for workers at factories in Port Said as well as training for nurses working at the same place. In Sohag, they train nurses working in civil society organizations and private clinics. In parallel, they advocate for using Ma3looma, an online platform, which offers information about reproductive health topics. Currently, more than 200 workers have been trained in different factories in Port Said along with more than 40 nurses. The peer educators and nurses approached more than 2000 workers to deliver health messages on family planning and reproductive health topics. In Sohag, they trained up to 25 nurses in the civil society organizations.