Unami Moatswi – Women Deliver

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Project Unbreakable



For women on campuses across Botswana, sexual harassment on campus creates a hostile environment that interferes with their ability to fully engage in their education. Therefore, there is an urgent need to educate and empower students so they are aware of what sexual harassment  is, its effects and places where they can seek support and/or report. This project seeks to raise awareness, stimulate a dialogue about sexual harassment as a serious form of gender based violence and to lobby for a policy that addresses sexual harassment on university campuses.


Follow Unami on Twitter at @AmberHoliday

Unami is a Chevening scholar, Mandela Washington fellow, and a feminist.  She was a co-founder to a grassroots organization that advocated for evidence based solutions to address issues of teenage pregnancy and HIV in 4 regions of Botswana through empowering girls to stay in school. She has managed grants received from Standard Chartered Bank, MTV staying Alive Foundation and NACA for implementation of month of youth against Aids (MYAA 2015) activities in north Botswana. Unami hopes that skills and knowledge she gained from these networks will enable her to be a better advocate for implementation of the women and girl’s agenda national policy level. She’s has been honoured as a Royal commonwealth society Associate for the advancement of youth voices in the commonwealth. Unami is pursuing her MSc in Development Studies at SOAS, University of London and interning at Mothers2Mothers London office. In the next 5 years she hopes to utilize the skills gained, experience acquired and networks established towards better policy implementation, analysis and evaluation in Botswana and the SADC region. She hopes that it will influence active participation of women in political leadership, enhance parity and reduce incidences of gender based violence.


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