Integrate and collaborate to accelerate progress for girls and women. This is an often repeated phrase of the Deliver for Good campaign, indicative of our commitment to partnering across sectors to advance gender equality in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
More than two years since the campaign was launched at the Women Deliver 2016 Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, we have learned tremendously about mobilizing partners around a shared vision—a better world for girls and women. We know it is not always easy to break down silos, and engage in meaningful discussion and collective action across sectors or issue areas, but when done effectively, partnerships are a powerful force to deliver for good.
We recently hosted round-table dialogues with a wide range of our partners and supporters of the Deliver for Good campaign to understand what makes partnerships work. Here are 5 fundamental elements that were mentioned time and again as critical to meaningful work in cross-sector partnerships.
1. Build the Evidence Base
Deliver for Good is an evidence-based advocacy campaign that calls for enhanced policies, programming, and investments in girls and women.
The evidence is sound, demonstrating that investing in gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women creates a ripple effect that spurs growth and progress for individuals, families, communities, and countries.
By tapping into our extensive network of partners, the Deliver for Good campaign is able to curate and disseminate a stronger, more comprehensive base to highlight the role that girls and women play in development. These evidence-based resources – including policy briefs and infographics – help to bolster advocacy and communications efforts of all partners.
2. Change the Narrative
The Deliver for Good campaign is translating the evidence into clear communications that changes the narrative around girls and women – shifting from describing them as passive recipients of aid, to their rightful role as powerful agents of change. This means equipping ourselves with common messaging, avoiding jargon, and using compelling stories and case studies to fuel action. If we want our messages to resonate and influence decision makers, then we must “sing from the same song book.”
The Deliver for Good campaign has applied this principle by rallying together with a unified voice through joint statements, advocacy and communications toolkits, and by featuring solutions and case studies in our communications channels.
3. Activate a Network of Champions
Everyone has a role to play in advancing gender equality. To achieve our ambitious goals, we must activate a diverse network of champions. This means working with men and boys, youth, and advocates across sectors, geographies, and generations.
Deliver for Good strives to ensure everyone has a voice within the campaign. From engaging young people to establishing a network of 5 high level Influencers to champion the cause at the highest levels, the campaign equips diverse advocates with the tools they need to deliver for girls and women.
4. Engage Across Sectors
Partnerships that bring together individuals and organizations with diverse skills, experiences, perspectives, and resources to addresses shared challenges and to advance gender equality are key to driving progress.
The Deliver for Good campaign’s strength comes from the broad-based network of organizations and individuals rallying together to prioritize action and investments for girls and women at the global, regional, and national levels. To date, more than 400 organizations from more than 50 countries have joined the campaign.
These multi-stakeholder partnerships are only effective if the collaboration is integrated into each organization’s mission and action – we must build upon, and amplify one another’s work rather than duplicating or competing.
Join this movement by signing the commitment.
5. Connect Global to Local
To drive progress toward gender equality, we must share best practices and lessons learned. Much can be accomplished by sharing experiences and highlighting the perspectives of advocates on the global, regional, and community levels.
When we gather at key global moments like the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), we must feature the drivers of progress, especially shining a light on community success and local voices.
These five elements are central to the work of the Deliver for Good campaign and to building effective partnerships that deliver for girls and women.
Achieving gender equality and the broader Sustainable Development agenda requires more than “business as usual.”
Together, we can do more. Together, we can deliver for good.
Join the movement for girls and women today by signing the commitment.