Women Deliver Welcomes UN’s CSW Political Declaration and Calls for Bolder Action – Women Deliver

Women Deliver Welcomes UN’s CSW Political Declaration and Calls for Bolder Action

Bigger, bolder commitments to gender equality are needed now, more than ever.

New York, NY, 9 March 2020 —Women Deliver, a global advocate for gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women, welcomes the United Nation’s (UN) political declaration on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women. The declaration represents UN Member States coming together to recognize 25 years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights, and the assertion that gender equality and women’s rights are fundamental for a healthier, wealthier, more productive, and more peaceful world.

The declaration came during the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York.[1]  Today’s political declaration:

  • Demonstrates CSW’s critical role in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women,
  • Upholds a commitment to gender mainstreaming in the UN system,
  • Reiterates the need for a coordinated approach to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and
  • Reaffirms that the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all girls and women is required to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Gender equality is fundamental to inclusive, sustainable development, and realizing the Beijing Platform for Action is a necessary means to get us there. We cannot achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without applying a strong gender lens to the entire development agenda. Gender is fundamental and cross cutting, and we must break down silos across sectors and issues to achieve full health and rights for all girls and women,” said Susan Papp, Managing Director of Policy and Advocacy at Women Deliver.

This year is pivotal. The anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, and the start of the last 10 years to reach the SDGs, offers a vital temperature check on progress towards gender equality. The evidence shows that, 25 years in, the world is far from achieving gender equality. New research shows that as many as 2.1 billion girls and women live in countries that will not reach key gender equality targets by 2030 at the current pace,” Papp continued.

Despite changes to CSW64, Women Deliver is harnessing our convening power to call on decision-makers in governments, civil society, and the private sector to make bigger, bolder, and more accountable commitments for gender equality. To help our fellow gender equality champions share their recommendations of what those commitments should be, we launched a digital campaign called #BiggerBolder throughout the would-be CSW time period.

“Sexual and reproductive health and rights – including access to abortion – are the bedrock of gender equality and must be prioritized. When girls and women have access to reproductive health services, they are more likely to stay in school, join the workforce, become economically independent, and live their full potential. It is a virtuous cycle and benefits individuals, communities, and countries,” Papp concluded.


About Women Deliver: Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Our advocacy drives investment – political and financial – in the lives of girls and women worldwide. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality. And we get results. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives. We know that investing in girls and women will deliver progress for all.

[1] Due to ongoing concerns regarding the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, CSW convened on 9 March for a procedural meeting only. No general debates took place, and all side events in conjunction with CSW were cancelled.