Statement from the Women Deliver Board of Directors – Women Deliver

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Statement from the Women Deliver Board of Directors

To the Women Deliver Former and Current Staff
To the Women Deliver Young Leaders
To the Women Deliver Partners and Funders

The Women Deliver Board of Directors is aware of and deeply concerned about the substance of the testimonies ​shared by former and current employees of the organization. We are also aware of the concerns and demands that have been voiced by a number of Women Deliver Young Leaders.

The Board takes this situation very seriously.  It condemns all forms of racism and discrimination.

As the governance body of Women Deliver, fully understanding our roles and responsibilities, the Board will commission an independent investigation that is thorough and transparent to address the range of issues which have been raised. The Chief Executive has offered, and we have accepted, to take a leave of absence from her position while the investigation is being done and until the Board has considered its outcomes. The COO has been appointed as interim CEO.

The outcomes of the independent review will inform the decisions of the Board moving forward. The outcome will be made public in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability, and fairness to which we adhere.

We reiterate our commitment to the staff, the Young Leaders, and the broader network of Women Deliver, and our support for the organization to fulfil its mandate in inclusive, respectful, and transformative ways.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Kristin Hetle (Chair)