– Women Deliver

Climate change and environmental degradation are some of the greatest threats facing our planet today. Already, 26 million people have been displaced by their effects: rising sea levels, extreme weather patterns, and desertification of valuable farmland.

As consumers, entrepreneurs, farmers, caregivers, and so much more, women play a crucial role in both preventing climate change and adapting to its dire consequences. They constitute the majority of the climate change refugees and often live on the most vulnerable lands, but women are also the everyday innovators who find solutions and deal with the changed reality for people and planet.

This month, Women Deliver is highlighting climate change solutions that not only help girls and women, but are driven by them. We’ve talked to gender and climate advocate Mary Robinson, got an update from negotiations at COP22, and more. Join us as we shift the narrative, from girls and women as victims of climate change to those who are our best bet to fight it.

For evidence and strategies to help you advocate to ensure that girls and women are included in climate change negotiations and resource management click the links below:

Download Infographic                Download Policy Brief

Featured Content

Former Irish President Mary Robinson has been a powerful advocate for climate justice, including women’s perspectives and needs in the fight against climate change, for over a decade. Our President/CEO, Katja Iversen spoke to Mrs.Robinson about tackling climate change by empowering girls and women.

When you think of meetings like COP22, family planning and women’s rights aren’t typically the first things that come to mind. In this article by the Population & Sustainability Network they shine a light on why gender and family planning go hand in hand when it comes to climate justice.

In the video above you’ll get information on the magnitude of the climate crisis and learn about some of the solutions on the horizon for girls and women.

Solutions in Action: Invest in Women to Tackle Climate Change and Conserve the Environment

Partner Resources

International Planned Parenthood Federation’s and the Population & Sustainability Network’s advocacy toolkit is aimed at national family planning advocates to enable them to engage in climate change policy discussions to further, not only family planning goals, but also contribute to climate change objectives.

This toolkit from USAID and WASHplus provides guidance on how to undertake consumer preference research on improved cooking technologies through Trials of Improved Practice (TIPs), including guidance in using associated data collection, entry, and analysis tools based on CSPro software available for free online.

The Women’s Environment
& Development Organization’s
research paper provides the most up-to-date assessment of the current evidence base illustrating how vulnerability to climate change and climate adaptation decisions vary by gender..

For more solutions that are ensuring that girls and women are including in the fight for climate justice, download the Solutions Panorama, a collection of 100 programs, initiatives, and strategies that were shared at the Women Deliver 2016 Conference.