Generation Equality – Women Deliver

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Generation Equality Tool to Inspire Action

A Gender-Equal World is Possible

In 1995, 189 countries committed to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a forward-looking blueprint for advancing women’s rights. On its 25th anniversary, known as Generation Equality, we've launched a new advocacy tool to inspire necessary action.
This resource is available in English, Spanish, and French.
Gender equality and girls’ and women’s health and rights are central to a future that delivers for everyone. We call on policymakers and private sector leaders to leverage this historic moment and make bigger, bolder contributions to a more gender-equal world.

How to use this tool:

Join us in using this multilingual tool to drive momentum for the Generation Equality Forum, make the case for action across sectors, and encourage new partners to connect to Generation Equality Forum and Action Coalitions. 

The online tool takes a narrative approach and describes where progress in gender equality has been made, where new challenges have arisen (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), and where action is still urgently needed. It also outlines seven action-oriented recommendations for governments and the private sector to take up, in support of the Generation Equality Forum convened by UN Women, the Government of France, and the Government of Mexico. 

The seven recommendations:

  1. Ensure that investments, policies, and programs meet the needs and equally benefit all girls and all women.   
  2. Match gender equality commitments with action and financing.   
  3. Eliminate discriminatory laws, and enact policies that respect and protect the health and rights of girls and women.   
  4. Prioritize and invest in gender-responsive data collection and analysis.   
  5. Uphold and advance sexual and reproductive health and rights as the bedrock of gender equality.  
  6. Remove barriers to women’s leadership, meaningful participation, and decision making.   
  7. Drive coordinated action and change — across sectors — through the Generation Equality Forum.

This resource will be continually updated to connect to the latest developments in the Generation Equality Forum, including outlining priority actions of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions and detailing how to get engaged as members. 

Share on Social Media:

  • You can find our social media toolkit on Trello, where there are sample messages and graphics if you choose to promote on your channels.
  • For an easy retweet from the Women Deliver channel, click here 

Together, we can use this year’s spotlight on gender equality to urge decision-makers to make bigger, bolder, and more accountable commitments towards gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. 



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