Tara Ashour – Women Deliver

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Tara Ashour

  • Age: 32
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

Think purposefully and take action, not just outrage.

- Tara Ashour


Human rights activist holds a bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences from Salahaddin University in 2013, and a diploma in leadership and gender advocacy. Alumni of the SI Leader Lab program, the Svenska Institute of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tara is the Program Coordinator at Women Empowerment Organization since 2018, responsible for coordinating and promoting gender equality projects related to the Women, Peace, and Security agenda in Iraq and a member of the Global Resilience Fund panelist for girls and young women in the MENA region. She is interested in conveying the reality of Iraqi youth through her active participation in international forums, the latest of which is the Cultural Exchange Program for Youth in the Middle East and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and her participation as a young leader in the Global Peacebuilders Summit held in Berlin 2019. Tara is the Project Manager of the Democracy School in Iraq where young aspiring politicians (both women and men) are provided with democratic knowledge and practical leadership and organizational skills to develop their understanding of the political system in Iraq.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

By the early age of 15, I had experienced a lot of unfair gender norms in the male-dominated society where I lived. I had limited access to any public places in my country. But I challenged my community, finished my studies in geosciences, and have now been working in the field for over two years. Inspired by myself, I have decided to change the reality of other females in my country, so I have started leading projects that enable other adolescent girls and young women to have access to public spaces and events through sports.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

My goal is to promote the social coexistence and achieving gender equality for adolescent girls. I work towards the development and expansion of a widespread grassroots network of females across Iraq who have the skills necessary to operate as agents for change within their communities. I remember my first team, comprised of IDPs from Mosul and Syrian refugees living in camps, some were not sure whether to complete their education at school. After this program, their lives had changed and created their strong personalities, along with their increased communication skills. Now, they are more confident with ambition to fulfill their education.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

In my free time, I travel globally. I'm a bibliophile who loves reading.

Languages Spoken:

  • Arabic (Advanced/Native)
  • English (Advanced/Native)
  • Kurdish (Intermediate)
  • French (Elementary)

Speaks On:

  • Youth leadership and participation
  • Democracy school in Iraq
  • Iraqi National Action Plan 1325 Initiative

Past Awards, Certifications, or Fellowships:

  • UN Women's Yvonne Hebert Award program CSW64 (2020)
  • Gender Advocacy & Leadership, SI Leader Lab Alumna (2020)
  • Trafficking in Persons & Victim Identification for Front Line Staff IOM.OIM (2018)
  • IPIMS E-learning Geophysics (2013)