Salma Mahmoud – Women Deliver

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Salma Mahmoud

  • Age: 28
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

We, humans, are all interconnected and interdependent than ever. It is now clear that weakness, ignorance, illness, and inequality are to be eliminated for the good of all of us.

- Salma Mahmoud


Salma Mahmoud was born and raised in Egypt. She received a Bachelor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from Alexandria University in 2018. Salma is Head of the Medical Unit at Alashanek Ya Balady, Head of the Medical Training Committee at Pharmpedia, Founder of Hypatia Students Activities for female students’ development, and Founder of The Wellness Addict for women’s health education and awareness, and Health Education volunteer at Red Crescent, Egypt.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

There is no distinct moment where I felt I should advocate for women's health and rights. It was rather a journey inside my life as a female in an anti-female society. I have found my calling in providing support in diverse areas of healthcare access, quality, and empowerment.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

I founded The Wellness Addict, an Arabic medical blog written by health professionals that provides scientifically valid and easy to comprehend health information online. We have helped over 5,600 female subscribers to learn more about their health and adjust their lifestyle. Currently, we are advocating for safe and equal healthcare facilities.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

Walking by the beach, mobile photography, and talking to people.

Languages Spoken:

  • Arabic
  • English

Speaks On:

  • gender-equal healthcare services
  • women in global health
  • male engagement in development

Past Awards, Certifications, or Fellowships:

  • GCED online course "Becoming Global Citizens for a Sustainable Society" co-organized by the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding and Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (2020)
  • "Start your business training" by International Labour Organization (November 2019)
  • Business of Healthcare Specialization at Pennsylvania State University (Online, 2019)
  • Initiating and Planning Projects Course at UCL Extension (2017)
  • Gender equality training by Young Egyptian Feminists League and UNESCO
  • UNDP Sexual and Reproductive Youth Health in Rural Upper Egypt Award
  • Sustainability Ambassador for Yenching Global Symposium