Rizky Ashar Murdiono – Women Deliver

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Rizky Ashar Murdiono

  • Age: 31
  •    |   He/him/his


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

Nothing about youth without youth is for youth. Youth are at the heart of the development and future of a nation.

- Rizky Ashar Murdiono


Rizky Ashar was born and raised in Indonesia. He received a Bachelor of Computer Science from Brawijaya University in 2017. He has more than 10 years’ experience in social activities as either coordinator or consultant and have been working in the administrative and communication position to mobilize a large number of communities and also connect with various partners, currently he is working at the United Nation Information Centre Jakarta as a digital communication. Aside of his professional work, he is also a Co-Founder of 2030 Youth Force Indonesia, he coordinates regular meetings in Asia Pacific, maintains and expands the network in Indonesia and Asia Pacific, and strengthens collaboration and exchange among all relevant networks through community engagement.

In addition to those achievement, he was also elected as part of team in Bali Global Youth Forum, youth advisory panel of UNFPA, awardee of N-Peace 2016 and appeared in Times magazine that showcased his contribution for young people and the society.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

I was born and grew up in an urban slum area where poverty, criminality, and child marriage was high. Growing up as an underprivileged youth has made me realize that external boundaries, such as social environment and economy, can be a hindrance to the development of youth capacity and potential. This is why I am passionate about youth development, engagement, and gender equality. I want to help other youth and show that no matter your personal background, economic, or education status, youth, and women have the potential and deserve to be heard.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

Young people are still involved in a less meaningful and tokenistic way at the national level, especially in decision/policy making processes. In response to this, the 2030 Youth Force Indonesia has successfully been involved in discussions regarding the preparation of the RPJPN and RPJMN background studies and held hearings with Directorate of Family, Women, Children, Youth & Sports ministry of national development in order to involve more young people in the process of preparing the RPJMN and RPJP. RPJMN & RPJPN stands for Medium-Term National Development Plan (2025-2029) and the National Long-Term Development Plan (2025-2045) this national plan would be affect the future of young people especially women. Through our effort, we want to ensure that young people's voice would be included in the document and the regulation that has been developed meet young people's need.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I like playing music instruments, making videos, and create creative content. I have a big ambition to be a travel journalist who capture the beauty of different country while I am doing a tour with a bicycle. I have started my journey by traveling around the coast of Bali island and pretty soon I will release a video about my journey called "Sejauh Arah" in my youtube channel. Sejauh stands for Sepeda Jarak Jauh means long-distance cycling, and Arah is an acronym of my name Rizky Ashar. In 2023, I want to continue my bike travel from Indonesia to Germany and pursue a Master's degree on International Media Studies.

Languages Spoken:

  • Bahasa Indonesia (Advanced/Native)
  • English (Advanced/Native)
  • Sign Language (Intermediate)
  • German (Elementary)
  • Spanish (Elementary)

Speaks On:

  • youth participation in the implementation of SDGs
  • women, youth, peace, and security
  • social protection and empowerment for youth in humanitarian crises