Olorunnisola (Sola) Abe – Women Deliver

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Olorunnisola (Sola) Abe

  • Age: 32
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

From family planning to female genital mutilation and other sexual and reproductive health matters, it is important to empower women with quality information so that they can independently make informed choices about their own bodies. A smart society is one that empowers its women.

- Olorunnisola (Sola) Abe


Olorunnisola (Sola) Abe is a Nigerian storyteller and a teacher. She is the publisher of She Needs To Know, a platform created to bridge the knowledge gap and break the culture of silence around Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights matters, Maternal and Child Health, and Gender-Based Violence through storytelling. She volunteers for multiple NGOs, trains, and facilitates projects that push for the actualisation of Sustainable Development Goal 3 on healthy living for all and 5 on gender equality. In doing so, Sola visits schools and local communities to speak to underprivileged girls about menstrual hygiene management, ensuring that hundreds of young girls are not deprived of their educational rights simply because they are going through one of the most important phases of their development.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

Growing up, I remembered my father telling me and my sisters that he didn’t care if we were girls, that he would make sure we went to the university and achieve what he couldn’t as he didn’t have the privilege to. My personal experience at that young age was an eye opener for me; it introduced me to what gender equality is. Sadly, not many girls have the opportunity that I had. Although I am glad that the discussions around empowering women are being held, it is also sad to realize that many people still undermine the importance of the role of women in society.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

In 2018, my project on why the end of FGM may take longer than anticipated in Nigeria was featured at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. This was because of my work as youth partner with Wellbeing Women for Africa, a foundation championing the cause of women in the country. The book was distributed to representatives from other countries as a model to work with.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

Spending time alone, enjoying great conversations, reading, and listening to music, and traveling are great ways I relax.