Moneera Yassien – Women Deliver

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Moneera Yassien

  • Age: 27
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

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Expertise Areas:

As young people living in a very unique time in history and with all the resources available at our disposal, we are obligated to expand our leadership efforts and to position ourselves as politicians, researchers, and community leaders.

- Moneera Yassien


Moneera Yassien is originally from Sudan and currently lives in the Netherlands. She is working toward a Master’s in International Development Studies at Sciences Po. As CEO of, Moneera designs advocacy projects for women rights and the implementation of global resolution and agreements on women rights, builds and connects with regional and global civil society organizations working on fighting VAW and promoting women empowerment and gender equality, provides services for survivors of VAW, designs projects to promote women political participation, and develops grants and sponsorship documents. She is a Workshop Associate at Nesta UK and British Council East Africa.

Additionally, Moneera is a Youth mentor for the Youth Leadership Programme with the UNDP, Researcher at Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community Research Chapter, and PR Team member at TEDx University of Khartoum.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

As part of the 2017 UN Women’s #16days campaign to end violence against women, I asked women on my social media platforms to voice their experience with violence anonymously. When I shared their stories, I was attacked by people questioning the credibility of these stories. That was my "aha moment" when I understood that gender inequality is not just a behavioral issue, it’s an epidemic one that will eventually affect the development of the country.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

I started with the aim to fight violence against women, and my vision expanded to tackle more broad issues facing women in her society. Currently, AMNA is working on women in politics, women, peace, and security, feminism in Sudan, and women in economics.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy spending time in a cafe with people from different cultures where we are having endless conversations about controversial topics and it concludes with nothing but smiles.