Melissa Simplício – Women Deliver

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Melissa Simplício

  • Age: 20
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

As long as young girls and women can recognize themselves as important protagonists of global politics, they will present matchless standpoints, leading to improved approaches and viewpoints towards universal issues.

- Melissa Simplício


Melissa Simplicio was born and raised in Brazil. She is currently attending Colégio Estaduail Infante D. Henrique. Melissa is Club Leader and Coalition President of Girl Up, Founder and Academic Director of Projeto Globalizando, an ESL Teacher at Cidadão Pró-Mundo, Director of Projeto Chá de Revolução, and member of Jews for Democracy.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

My grandmothers were forbidden from completing their studies and forced to be child brides. Consequently, I was taught and raised to be whoever I wanted and live to my fullest potential. Unfortunately, I learned that I was privileged compared to my country's national orthodoxy, as most girls hardly complete their education.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

I challenged my traditional educational system by spearheading a gender-based violence school assembly, raising awareness on what constitutes domestic violence and abuse, following the guidelines of how to request help and press charges. This event was supported by my school's psychologist and principal, impacting over 60 of the school's faculty members.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy learning foreign languages, dancing ballet, listening to Taylor Swift's songs, reading books, and writing both fiction and non-fiction pieces.

Languages Spoken:

  • French (Advanced/Native)
  • Portuguese (Advanced/Native)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)

Speaks On:

  • GBV in schools
  • women's rights advocacy
  • girls in STEM

Past Awards, Certifications, or Fellowships:

  • Girl Up Coalition Training
  • Women in Movement
  • Women in Politics and Politics for Women (WPPW)
  • National Educational Course for Political Formation by João Mangabeira Foundation
  • Economics Applied to Gender-Inequality course promoted by the Economics Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro