Ishanvi Malayanil – Women Deliver

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Ishanvi Malayanil

  • Age: 20
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

As the youth, the future of the world rests on our shoulders. Although this may seem like too large of a burden, it is up to us to break down the internalized sexism embedded in our society, whether that be present in the daily workplace or even within our homes. We must take advantage of our youth to solve the challenges we face today. We carry a burden, but we carry it together.

- Ishanvi Malayanil


Ishanvi Malayanil is originally from India and currently lives in the United States. She is working toward an international baccalaureate degree at Richard Montgomery High School. Ishanvi is a Quarter Zero Ambassador, Director of Outreach for RM AIDE, a youth debate organization, and member of Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Making Caring Common Youth Advisory Board.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

When I visited my ancestral village in India and saw the large difference in attendance and commitment to education from young girls versus young boys. I was shocked at the embedded and psychological forms of inequality present in my village, my roots.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

One of my biggest wins was organizing a podcast and blog series discussing topics related to race and gender inequality pertaining to Generation Z. It was after a lot of deliberation among myself and my team to start this initiative, as we face opposition from fellow members and some of our editors on topics we wanted to publish, such as gender violence and neglected communities not given spotlight in the media like Uyghur Muslims. We've launched a beta version of our publications to a selected audience, and it has been well received. It makes us happy to know that the topics we cover are accepted and treated with importance.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy reading classic literature and authors with controversial ideas. Ayn Rand and Franz Kafka are among my favorites. I like listening to music and learning video editing tricks.

Languages Spoken:

  • English (Advanced/Native)
  • Hindi (Advanced/Native)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)

Speaks On:

  • achievement gap in education
  • women's political participation and leadership
  • bridging the income inequality gap among disadvantaged youth

Past Awards, Certifications, or Fellowships:

  • Making Caring Common Harvard Youth Advisory board member
  • Quarter Zero Ambassadorship