Ebenye Mbakwa Veronica Njie – Women Deliver

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Ebenye Mbakwa Veronica Njie

  • Age: 31
  •    |   She/her/hers


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

Gender equality is a precious asset to humanity. It may seem hard to attain, but when we succeed, gender equality will be among the jewels the world will cherish. Work for gender equality everywhere you find yourself — in your home, office, farm, neighborhood, and beyond.

- Ebenye Mbakwa Veronica Njie


Ebenye Veronica Mbakwa is a Medical Doctor with experience providing healthcare in humanitarian-crisis affected areas in Cameroon with particular focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health services. She is a project lead at Health Education and Research Organization (HERO) Cameroon where she has organized several projects to promote menstrual hygiene awareness and management. She is a member of the Commonwealth Youth Gender Equality Network (CYGEN) and YOUNGA Delegate where she has been able to work with UN Women during the 65th Commission On The Status of Women, the world’s largest annual gender equality event. Her advocacy for Women in STEM earned her a position as a Regional Peer Panelist for Africa with Women Win on the Free STEM Fund project. She is the founder of Sexual Health Companion, a platform which provides digital comprehensive sexuality education and empowers adolescents to access youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services. She has recorded global impact in digital health promotion and was described as 2022 Techwomen emerging leader by the US department of state for Cultural Affairs.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

I grew up in a small community where education was minimized for females. My career pathway was financially demanding and my Dad received pressure from several angles to forfeit sponsorship of what seemed like a waste of time and resources. Despite the influence of societal discrimination I was able to sail through Medical School and emerged as the first Medical Doctor from my community. I am an inspiration to other females in pursuit of education within my community. I hope to harness global stages using my story to empower women overcome such stereotypes to build formidable careers.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

In 2020 I was selected as a YOUNGA Delegate to represent my country during an innovation mastermind organized by UN Women during the 65th Commission on the Status of Women. This is the world’s largest annual gathering on gender equality. In 2021 I was described as a Techwomen emerging leader by the US department of State Cultural Affairs for promoting sexual and reproductive health in a digital space. In 2022 I was selected as one of the Regional Peer Panelists to represent Africa and review applications for the Free STEM Fund by Women Win. This project sort to fund grass root advocacy on gender equality and STEM. In 2022 I was selected as a Small Grant awardee by Women Deliver to champion a project promoting access to youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

Providing healthcare services to vulnerable, old and marginalized populations, writing health articles, facilitating and moderating working sessions, team and capacity building sessions, peer education and motivational speaking.

Languages Spoken:

  • English (Advanced/Native)
  • French (Elementary)

Speaks On:

  • Digital Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Menstrual Health
  • Adolescents

Past Awards, Certifications, or Fellowships:

  • Techwomen Emerging Leader (2022)
  • Small Grant Awardee Women Deliver (2022)
  • Course on Epidemiology by European Renal Association (2017)
  • Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Trainer by American Association of Family Physicians (2016)
  • Presidential Award of Excellence (2016)