Aatish Gurung – Women Deliver

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Aatish Gurung

  • Age: 30
  •    |   He/him/his and They/them/their


Country of Origin:

Country of Residence:

Expertise Areas:

Young people face greater difficulties in entering the labor market and women face further challenges of unpaid domestic and care work. The percentage of young women who are neither in education or employment is almost three times that of young men. It is time that we shift our focus from capitalism and center women because when women do well, their families and their communities do well too.

- Aatish Gurung


Aatish Gurung is originally from Bhutan and currently lives in the United States. Aatish received a Bachelor of Science from The City College of The City University of New York in 2016. Currently, Aatish is a consultant working on digital organizing, social media, grant writing, and campaign advocacy.

What ignited your pursuit for gender equality?

From a young age, I was compassionate about life. I grew up being surrounded by strong women: my mom, aunts, grandmother, cousins, and friends. I saw them move heaven and earth to overcome the patriarchal society that they lived in and succeed in life. But the reality wasn't the same for many women that lived in the same community. Some were the survivors of gender-based violence and some were robbed far too young from their childhood, as their right to education and choice in life were ignored. This inequality among folks I knew ignited the passion for gender equality in me.

Please share your biggest wins as an advocate for gender equality.

Throughout my career, I had the pleasure of working in women-led organizations where I learned a lot about issues that impacted women and minorities the most. Being part of the Planned Parenthood Activist Council provided me with the opportunity to advocate for SRHR policies. I frequently spoke with local representatives and made trips to Albany and DC to lobby for SRHR bills. I also rallied for progressive bills that led to New York paid family leaves policy, policies that required schools to provide free menstrual products, and comprehensive K-12 sex education. My passion also led me to the UN as the Youth Delegate for two years, advocating for SRHR and gender rights.

Outside of your gender equality advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I love reading while listening to music. I also enjoy hiking, nature, and spending time with my family and friends.

Languages Spoken:

  • Dzongkha (Advanced/Native)
  • English (Advanced/Native)
  • Nepali (Advanced/Native)
  • Hindi (Intermediate)
  • Tshangla (Intermediate)
  • Tibetan (Elementary)

Speaks On:

  • social justice and worker rights
  • LGBTQI and youth