Capacity Building – Women Deliver

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Women Deliver equips global advocates with the relationships and resources they need to drive change for girls and women locally.

We engage influencers and advocates from global development, research, media, government, and the private sector to promote the investment case for advancing progress for girls and women.

Young people:

Since 2010 Women Deliver has engaged 700 outstanding young people to be global leaders for advancing gender equality and the sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls and women. In 2016, Women Deliver’s Young Leaders Program was named as one of the top five global health programs fostering youth leadership. Each Young Leader participates in online courses designed to improve skills and to increase understanding of the issues that impact girls and women. Many Young Leaders then go onto to apply for seed grants for projects they designed to be implemented in their home countries.


Women Deliver’s website is aimed at building the capacity of civil society and others to advocate for investing in girls and women. This includes new tools, evidence, and solutions, as well as the opportunity to learn more about what others are doing in the field. Women Deliver also awards travel scholarships to more than 700 people to attend the Women Deliver conferences. Competition is fierce for the scholarships, and only one in 10 are awarded.

Corporate Partnerships:

Women Deliver works with the private sector to inform, engage, and support members in their efforts to improve the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. Learn more about the C Exchange.

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